Boy Scouts of America Merit Badges

Boy Scouts of America Current Merit Badges

There are 135+ Boy Scout merit badges. A Scout may earn any of them at any time.

In 1969 Boy Scouts of America determined merit badges required to obtain Eagle Scout have a silver border instead of the green border used on all other merit badges

Each Merit Badge has a merit badge pamphlet with a lot of good info, check them out for earning merit badges

Kids can learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges.

all work must be completed by the time a Scout turns 18 years old

How to get Boy Scout Merit Badges
– Earn them


Boy Scouts of America Current Merit Badges


Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts patches

The popularity of morale patches is not limited to the military, as other uniformed organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, police, and EMS also use patches to recognize achievements, signify membership, and build camaraderie.

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have a long history of using patches to recognize the accomplishments of their members. Scouts can earn patches for completing specific tasks or achieving certain milestones, such as earning merit badges or completing a high adventure activity. These patches are often displayed on a sash or vest, and serve as a visual representation of the scout’s achievements.

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